Our Directory contains details of some 1,400 young companies in Scotland that have appeared in YCF
Whether securing investment, winning grants or business awards, or pitching at different events. Each record includes company name (and where applicable previous or trading name, not always easy to find!), company registration number and date of incorporation, location, sector, and website.
If you need a quick check of basic company details, register now to take out a subscription to YCF and start searching this Directory.
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Subscribers receive a printed copy of YCF each month by mail, and one PDF copy sent under email cover. Subscribers have online access to our Deals Monitor, the archive of previous articles, and a list of young companies that have appeared in our reports (coming shortly).
Subscribers can add extra printed copies or pdf copies for colleagues in their organisations at a low cost per additional copy – for ask for a quote please email sales@ycf.co.uk